Taking a cue from one of my favorites husband/wife duo’s out there, Amy & Jordan who share stories from their life in “The Pink Slip Files”, (where they keep slips of paper with memories in a vase), Dustin and I decided to do this ourselves, because memories are fleeting and there are just so many things we can’t let fade away. So with that being said, I’ve decided to share little stories from our life. I feel like it’s not personal enough on the blog so I want to change that up! It’s our hope that you can learn more about us with these stories, after all – life is one giant story and we naturally want to tell it, so why not?
Today is the first of these stories and I hope that you enjoy getting to know us just a little bit better!
When we were first engaged, we knew that we wanted to have an amazing photographer for our wedding. What we didn’t know was that we knew too many wonderful photographers out there and we couldn’t pick. That’s right, what we thought would be the easiest decision, ended up being the hardest of all! We ended going with Jennefer because we had a close relationship with her but we decided to choose someone else to capture our engagement session and make a vacation out of it. Enter Bethany Carlson; the raddest, kindest and most creative lady in the land. We flew to San Francisco, wide eyed and excited for our session and the chance to take in a new place that we had never been to before. For Dustin, it was his first time in the Sunshine State (I lived there for a time with my mom when I was younger but we never made it up to San Francisco) and we loved taking in the sites of the city by the bay!
What we were NOT prepared for was the cold! We live in Texas where in July, you can pretty much count on heat and more heat so we naturally thinking along the lines that California is warm as well – took nothing but short sleeved shirts, dresses (for me) and warm weather clothing. We were freezing! I remember standing at the base of a hill, waiting for the trolley to pick us up, with my body firmly slammed into Dustin’s (sucking away his body heat, thank god he runs warm all of the time).
When Bethany picked us up for our engagement session she told us that the weather was actually warming up! UMMM, NO MA’AM. We couldn’t believe it! She drove us an hour away into the Wetlands and asked us a simple question, “Do you both want to play in the mud?” We hadn’t thought about making our session a “trashed” one but as soon as she said it, we knew we had to! After Bethany finished the “clean” portion of the session, we changed into our messy clothes (really we had jeans to changed into after the shoot and she brought white shirts, I guess she knew we wouldn’t be able to say no!) and we got to digging in the mud.
I remember when I threw the first bit of mud and it hit Dustin square in the chest, he looked like he couldn’t believe that we were actually doing this! At that point, it was all bets off as he chased me in the moors, covering me in mud “Do NOT get it in my hair! Protect the face!” I screamed, (I paid good money to get my hair and makeup done that morning) and although some got in my mouth, he did a fairly good job of avoiding it. I can’t say the same though, my face may have been off limits but his sure was not. “Really Julie?! My face needs to look clean too!” He yelled as I smushed the mud on his shirt and tried to get it all over his face. The mud was cold, gross and so smelly but it was an absolute blast! We were crying with laughter by the end and got some of my favorite images of the two of us, that I love to this day.
Slinging mud at each other in the freezing cold was weird but totally us.
I had to dig WAY back into my instagram, but I found some of the pictures we put up during our trip (you can see that not only did I life pictures of us, but that the Olympics were going on during this time – I had completely forgotten about that)! Also, you can see when we went to In ‘N Out (a tradition for me) we were covered in the mud still, we were quite a sight in the joint but I still stand that it was one of the best decisions we’ve ever made.
I just read Amy & Jordan’s Pink Slip Files! Fell in LOVE with that idea!
[…] 1: Mud Slinging 2: The Delivery Man […]