101 Things to do in 1001 Days

The ladies in the P31 group that I am a part of started this movement a while back and I wanted to jump in! I need to challenge myself to live more and do more things so I’m hoping to get a roll on this…thanks to Cherise McClimans for letting me use her list as a starting point. This is going to be fantastic!

101 things to accomplish in 1001 Days

1.) Pay off all debt. ALL debt.
2.) Don’t eat past 8:30p.m. for 30 days.
3.) Exercise 4 times a week for a year.
4. Do a juice fast for 3 days.
5.) Learn more sign language.
6.) Finish writing my novel.
7.) Lose 50 pounds.
8.) Be irresponsible for a night.
9.) Visit California.
10.) Make a million dollars.
11.) Make a new friend.
12.) Plan my own photoshoot.
13.) Get off the internet for a week.
14. Go skydiving.
15.) Actually trust someone.
16. Forgive
17.) Run in a 5k.
18.) Write an inspirational note and leave it in a random book in the library.
19.) Buy a lottery ticket.
20.) Go star gazing.
21.) Kiss under the stars.
22.) Make a baby or adopt one.
23.) Go to the zoo.
24. Adopt a child.
25.) Pay for someone’s stuff at the store.
26.) Tell someone how I really feel about them.
27. Study abroad.
28.) Run a mile a day for a week.
29.) Be honest with myself.
30.) Meet someone famous and make a good impression.
31.) Have a best selling book.
32.) Go rock climbing.
33.) Go fishing.
34.) Go for a hike in the metroparks.
35.) Learn to cook something new.
36.) Buy a new car.
37.) See a comedy show.
38.) Go ice skating.
39.) Visit Chicago.
40.) Visit the planetarium.
41.) Play outside.
42.) Go to Ireland or Scotland.
43.) Get my eyebrows waxed.
44.) Feel confident.
45. Make Dustin breakfast in bed.
46.) Go to a beach in a warm state.
47.) Figure out how to repair stretch marks naturally.
48.) Fly a kite.
49.) Swing on a swing in the woods.
50.) Make another secret garden.
51.) Get featured in a magazine.
52.) Get a pedicure.
53.) Get a manicure.
54.) Do something outrageous that makes my husband smile.
55.) Strength train for 2 days a week for 6 months.
56.) Get a video camera.
57.) Visit the art museum.
58.) Drink nothing but water for 30 days.
59.) Write an encouraging letter to different people every day for 30 days.
60.) Invite people over.
61.) Get several new tattoos.
62. Organize the closet.
63.) Sew a dress
64.) Donate things we don’t use.
65.) Finish ALL of the laundry.
66.) Get a new couch set.
67.) Help someone cross the street.
68.) Help someone put groceries in their car.
69.) Help someone with photography.
70.) Do a free photo session for someone I love to show them as they are.
71.) Get a picture of myself and put it online, unphotoshopped.
72.) Learn to dance.
73.) Learn to play a song on the guitar.
74.) Help someone realize their potential in life.
75.) Love unconditionally.
76.) Buy someone a gift, just because I can.
77.) Get a new camera bag.
78.) Get a point and shoot camera.
80.) Try some new food.
81.) Send flowers to someone anonymously
82.) Buy myself an outfit that fits.
83.) Graduate from Texas Tech.
84.) Visit Ireland.
85.) Buy a house.
86.) Move to a new state.
87.) Stop wearing my husband’s clothes.
88.) Buy some new towels.
89.) Buy a bathroom set.
90. Create a quote board and keep it updated.
91. Share my accurate weight with someone and keep myself accountable.
92.) Add a pin to pinterest.
93. Have a pin of my work shared over 100 times.
94.) Book 20 fully paid sessions.
95. Be myself and be excited about it.
96.) Drink a cup of black coffee.
97.) Paint a large canvas.
98.) Learn the names and order of all the Presidents.
99.) Learn a foreign language.
100.) Read a book a day for a month.
101. Complete NaNoWrImO.

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